

throw in the towel的相關標籤

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關於throw in the towel的評價, Orn BNK48

ไม่เคยติดเชื้อไวรัส! นักข่าวลงพื้นที่กว่า 30 ครั้ง ต้องทำยังไง THE CURATOR ขอกันชวนอ่าน --- ท่า...

A few months ago, a group of people approched me about filming a documentary/interview. I warned them I'm a bit impossible to work with, but they persisted. So I acquiesced. Only because I felt it was important to show to the world that LGBT people, especially transgenders, can live a fulfilling, enriched life. Many of us are empowered and have viable careers that don't just involve sex work or being somebody's Mak Andam. Even in conservative Malaysia. One of the first homophobic things I was ever told, was when I was 14. A boy from a neighboring class told me that the best future I could ever hope for, was to end up in Padang Kota (a place where soft boys traded sexual favors for money). Thankfully, I never listened to him, or the many others that echoed him. From as far as I could remember, I was always certain about my own potential. I've never allowed anyone's jealousy to kill my spirit. Trust me, if I had listened to all the millions of naysayers I've encountered, I would have ended very sad and ambition-less. I hope this message reminds anyone of you out there, LGBT or otherwise, who might feel defeated by their situation, or feel discouraged by people's disapproval, or feel like you're on the verge of giving up, to never throw in the towel. Believe me, your belief in yourself, your drive, your determination and your perseverance, might be all you have right now, but combine that with a lot of hard work, it will propel you to achieve everything you've ever dreamed for yourself, and more. This documentary was released last Saturday. I hope you like it. ❤️❤️❤️

A few months ago, a group of people approched me a...